So here's a poke at that. (Via ComputerWorld) according to the Council of Graduate Schools,
Of the first-time graduate or doctoral students in computer and information sciences, 9,021 were men and 3,249 were women (in 2008-2009).We should all pause here to consider whether this should be disturbing to us.
Here's another factoid to give us pause:
Of the 12,288 students counted as first-time graduate or doctoral students, or new enrollees, in computer information sciences, 5,266 were U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and 5,996 were temporary residents or students on visas.That's a whole other can of worms.
Truth is, I can't really address these questions. I seemed to have a natural affinity towards computers as a kid. I learned about them from my dad. When he bought a kit to build a computer, I had fun helping him with it. I wrote little toy programs in Basic. I can't begin to tell you why, except that I think I had a vague ambition to write an adventure game.
But I never thought about going into computer science as a career. My first love was science, and I got a degree and had a short career in that area. During my studies I had to write thousands of lines of code; it was just a tool to get my job done. It was only when I decided to leave science that I considered software development as an alternative.
So here I am, a female software developer. I can't tell you why there aren't a ton of female software developers out there. I find it hard to believe that it's nothing more than culture. I happen to be someone who is not easily repelled by a culture that wants to send me packing (and CS does not present a happy smiley face to the world). I'm also someone who doesn't seem to be as sensitive to peer pressure as your average person (I'm guessing here, but I think it's true). That means I don't care how my job is perceived by others; what matters is how I feel about it, and since I feel good about being a software developer, that means I'm comfy in my role. Also important: I place a high value on intellectual activities (where did that come from, nurture or nature?). So I look for career options that exercise my mind.
I think most people (men and women both) are more easily daunted. Whenever the question "why are there so few women in computer science?" comes up, I think that another, very relevant question hovers in the background. Why are there so few people in computer science altogether? Talk to all the people who did not choose CS as a career, and you'll find the answer to why so many women do not choose it.
And why are 50% of our computer science graduate students from foreign countries? What's discouraging Americans from entering an ostensibly lucrative career? Do you suppose it has something to do with the way that American culture devalues intellectualism?